

  • 景涛 ,
  • 郑清 ,
  • 侍崇艳 ,
  • 黄玉 ,
  • 沈鹤军
  • 1.南京体育学院运动健康学院康复治疗学系,江苏南京 210014;

收稿日期: 2023-05-11

  网络出版日期: 2023-10-25


* 国家社会科学基金“十三五”规划2019年度教育学课题(BLA190212)

Study on the current situation and influencing factors of sedentary time and health literacy of urban and rural high school students in Northwest China

  • JING Tao ,
  • ZHENG Qing ,
  • SHI Chongyan ,
  • HUANG Yu ,
  • SHEN Hejun
  • 1. Department of Rehabilitation Therapy, School of Exercise and Health, Nanjing Sport Institute, Nanjing 210014, China;
    2. Physical Education Teaching and Research Group,Hanjiang Middle School;
    3. School of Physical Education and Humanities, Nanjing Sport Institute;
    4. Physical Education Teaching and Research Group, Liyang Middle School

Received date: 2023-05-11

  Online published: 2023-10-25




景涛 , 郑清 , 侍崇艳 , 黄玉 , 沈鹤军 . 西北地区城乡高中生静坐时长与健康素养的现状及影响因素探究*[J]. 包头医学院学报, 2023 , 39(10) : 64 -68 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.10.013


Objective: To investigate and analyze the basic status and influencing factors of health literacy and sedentary time of urban and rural high school students in Northwest China, and to provide reference for improving the physical and mental health of high school students. Methods: The stratified random cluster sampling method was used to collect the data of health literacy level and daily average sedentary time questionnaire survey of students in senior high school grade one and grade two of 10 schools. Non-parametric test and multiple linear regression model were used to analyze the influencing factors of health literacy level and sedentary time. Results: Comparison of sedentary time in different regions: Qinghai > Gansu > Ningxia = Xinjiang > Shaanxi (P<0.01). Comparison of total scores of health literacy among different family incomes: family annual income of 25 000-49 900 yuan >50 000-79 900 yuan >80 000-99 900 yuan >10 000-24 990 yuan > more than 100 000 yuan > less than 10 000 yuan (P<0.01). There was no significant difference in the total score of health literacy among fathers with different educational backgrounds (P>0.05). Comparison of the total scores of health literacy among mothers with different educational backgrounds: junior college or below > junior college > master's degree or above > bachelor's degree (P<0.01). The total score of health literacy in counties and districts was higher than that in towns and villages (P<0.01). The total score of health literacy of girls was higher than that of boys (P<0.05 ). The multiple linear regression model suggested that there was a positive correlation between the length of sedentary time and the educational background of parents, and the influence of father's educational background was greater. The total score of the health literacy questionnaire was negatively correlated with the mother's education, and positively correlated with the family 's annual income, and the mother's education had a greater impact. Conclusion: The average daily sedentary time of rural high school students in Northwest China is longer than that in cities and counties, and the sedentary time of boys is longer than that of girls. The educational background of father and mother is the main influencing factor of sedentary time and health literacy level of high school students.


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