

  • 杨优 ,
  • 刘表虎 ,
  • 王德国 ,
  • 纪文艳 ,
  • 丁静 ,
  • 陶善强 ,
  • 练菲菲
  • 1.皖南医学院弋矶山医院超声医学科,安徽芜湖 241001;

收稿日期: 2023-04-12

  网络出版日期: 2023-09-22


* 国家自然科学基金(81670301);安徽省高等学校省级质量工程项目(2020xskt525)

Anesthesia effects of different dosage regimens of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage in transesophageal echocardiography

  • YANG You ,
  • LIU Biaohu ,
  • WANG Deguo ,
  • JI Wenyan ,
  • DING Jing ,
  • TAO Shanqiang ,
  • LIAN Feifei
  • 1. Department of Ultrasonic Medicine, Yijishan Hospital of Wannan Medical College, Wuhu 241001, China;
    2. Department of Geriatrics Medicine, Yijishan Hospital of Wannan Medical College

Received date: 2023-04-12

  Online published: 2023-09-22


目的:研究盐酸达克罗宁胶浆不同给药方案对接受经食管超声心动图(transesophageal echocardiography,TEE)检查患者麻醉效果的影响,寻求其在TEE检查前最佳的给药方案。方法:将接受TEE检查的150例患者随机分为三组(A、B、C方案组),每组各50例。A方案组采用常规给药方案,即检查前含服盐酸达克罗宁胶浆10 mL,约3 min后缓慢咽下。B方案组患者使用间断给药方案,即检查前先含服盐酸达克罗宁胶浆5 mL,约3 min后缓慢咽下,等待2 min再将剩下的5 mL含服约3 min后缓慢咽下。C方案组患者使用间断加量给药方案,即检查前先含服盐酸达克罗宁胶浆10 mL,约3 min后缓慢咽下,等待2 min再次含服10 mL约3 min后缓慢咽下。所有患者均在服用盐酸达克罗宁胶浆10 min后进行TEE检查。比较三组的TEE一次性插管成功率、操作时间、麻醉效果、不良反应发生率及满意度。结果:与A方案组相比,B、C方案组TEE一次性插管成功率依次增加,其中以C方案组明显(P<0.05);B、C方案组TEE检查时间依次减少,其中以C方案组明显(P<0.05);B、C方案组麻醉效果优良率依次增加,其中以C方案组明显(P<0.05);B、C方案组的不满意率依次减少,其中以C方案组明显(P<0.05)。3个方案组在总不良反应发生率方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:TEE检查前,盐酸达克罗宁胶浆的不同给药方案所产生的麻醉效果不同,其中间断加量给药方案能够提升麻醉效果,提高TEE检查效率,降低患者的不满意度并兼备良好的安全性。


杨优 , 刘表虎 , 王德国 , 纪文艳 , 丁静 , 陶善强 , 练菲菲 . 盐酸达克罗宁胶浆不同给药方案对经食管超声心动图检查中麻醉效果的影响*[J]. 包头医学院学报, 2023 , 39(9) : 23 -27 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.09.005


Objective: To study the effect of different dosage regimens of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage on the anesthetic effect of patients undergoing transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), and to explore the best dosage regimen before TEE examination. Methods: A total of 150 patients who successfully underwent TEE for the first time were randomly divided into three groups (group A, B, C), with 50 patients in each group. The group A was given the routine dosage. That is to say, patients of the group A were given 10 mL of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage before TEE, and it was slowly swallowed after being kept in mouth about 3 min. Patients in the group B were given the intermittent regimen. That is to say, patients of the group B were given 5 mL of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage before TEE, and it was slowly swallowed after being kept in mouth about 3 min, the rest 5 mL of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage was taken the same way 2 min later. Patients in the group C were given the intermittent dosing regimen. That is to say, patients of the group C were given 10 mL of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage before TEE, and it was slowly swallowed after being kept in mouth about 3 min, then repeated it 2 min later. TEE was performed in all patients 10 min after administration of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage. The success rate of first-attempt intubation, operative time, anesthesia effect, incidence of adverse events and satisfaction of patients were compared among the three groups. Results: Compared with the group A, the success rate of first-attempt intubation in the group B and C was increased successively, and it was significantly increased in the group C (P<0.05). TEE examination time of group B and C decreased successively, it was significantly decreased in the group C (P<0.05). The excellent and good rate of anesthesia effect in group B and C increased successively, and the rate in group C was significantly high (P<0.05). The dissatisfaction rate of group B and C decreased successively, and the dissatisfaction rate of group C was significantly low (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the incidence of total adverse events among the three treatment groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: Different dosage regimens of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage before TEE lead to different anesthetic effects, among which the intermittent dosing regimen could improve the excellent and good rate of anesthetic effect, raise the efficiency of TEE, reduce patients' dissatisfaction, and have good safety.


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