目的: 筛选石榴提取物鞣花酸的乳膏制剂的处方工艺。方法: 以基质成型性影响最大的单硬脂酸甘油酯、白凡士林和液体石蜡的用量为因素,采用正交实验法优化石榴提取物鞣花酸乳膏剂的制备工艺。结果: 优化后的乳膏基质处方是硬脂醇0.8 g,白凡士林1.8 g,液体石蜡0.6 g,单硬脂酸甘油酯1.2 g,十二烷基硫酸钠0.1 g,丙三醇1.0 g和纯化水8.5 g;采用熔合法所制得的乳膏剂稳定性好,色泽均匀,细腻润滑,无刺激性。结论: 本乳膏剂制备工艺简便可行,质量稳定可靠,适用于石榴提取物鞣花酸乳膏剂的制备。
Objective: To screen the formulation process of the cream preparation of ellagic acid from pomegranate extract. Methods: The dosages of glyceryl monostearate, white petrolatum and liquid paraffin, which had the greatest influence on matrix formability were taken as factors, and the preparation process of pomegranate extract ellagic acid cream was optimized by the orthogonal experiment method. Results: The optimized cream base formulation was stearyl alcohol 0.8 g, white petrolatum 1.8 g, liquid paraffin 0.6 g, glycerol monostearate 1.2 g, sodium lauryl sulfate 0.1 g, glycerol 1.0g and purified water 8.5 g; the cream prepared by fusion method had good stability, uniform color, fine lubrication and no irritation. Conclusion: The preparation process of the cream is simple and feasible, the quality is stable and reliable, and it is suitable for the preparation of pomegranate extract ellagic acid cream.
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