目的:研究敦煌古医方中附子的运用,为临床安全使用附子提供参考。方法:对敦煌古医方中应用到附子的方剂进行分析,归纳总结敦煌古医方中附子的配伍特点和使用剂量。结果:敦煌古医方中附子配伍精良,组方严谨;敦煌古医方中附子的方剂剂型繁多,对于附子的用量也有所差异。其中,汤剂附子用量15~41.625 g,膏剂中附子用量20.812 55~900 g,神明白膏、硫芷膏、摩风膏方中附子用量高达30枚,酒剂、醋剂介于膏、汤剂之间;散剂剂量均无,故其实际服用剂量难以考量,而丸散剂中附子用量6.937 5~90 g,但日用量无法粗略计算。结论:敦煌古医方中附子应用精当,颇具特色,为后世临床运用附子提供了经验。
Objective: To study the application principles of Fuzi in Dunhuang ancient medical prescriptions, aiming to provide reference for the safe using of Fuzi in clinical practice. Methods: Formulas with Fuzi in Dunhuang ancient medical prescriptions were analyzed to summarize the compatibility principles and dosage of Fuzi. Results: Fuzi in Dunhuang ancient medical prescriptions is well-matched and rigorously formulated. There are many prescriptions with Fuzi in Dunhuang ancient medical prescriptions, and the dosages of Fuzi are various. Among them, the dosage of Fuzi in decoction is 15-41.625g, and the dosage of Fuzi in ointment is 20.812 55-900g. The dosages of Fuzi in the Shenmingbai ointment, Liuzhi ointment and Mofeng ointment are as high as 30 pieces, and the dosage of Fuzi in wine and vinegar is between the ointment and the decoction. There is no specific dosage of Fuzi in powder, so the actual dosage is difficult to determine. The dosage of Fuzi in pills is 6.937 5-90g, but the daily dosage cannot be roughly calculated. Conclusion: The application of Fuzi in the Dunhuang ancient medical prescriptions is precise and distinctive, which provides references for the clinical application of Fuzi in later generations.
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