

  • 刘迎春 ,
  • 王春虾 ,
  • 陈蓉 ,
  • 徐荣 ,
  • 武海霞 ,
  • 王晓霞
  • 1.内蒙古科技大学包头医学院全科医学院,内蒙古包头 014030;

收稿日期: 2022-12-05

  网络出版日期: 2023-05-24



An investigation on medical students grasping the knowledge on hospital infection

  • LIU Yingchun ,
  • WANG Chunxia ,
  • CHEN Rong ,
  • XU Rong ,
  • WU Haixia ,
  • WANG Xiaoxia
  • 1. College of General Medicine, Baotou Medical College, Inner Mongolia University of science and technology Baotou 014030, China;
    2. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College;
    3. Disease Control and Prevention Center of Baotou

Received date: 2022-12-05

  Online published: 2023-05-24


目的:调查实习医学生掌握医院感染基础知识的情况,为医学院开设医院感染学课程提供参考依据。方法:采取问卷星线上调查的方式对2021年实习的198名医学生开展调查,调查内容为医院感染、医院感染暴发的定义、手卫生、消毒灭菌、个人防护、职业暴露、重点部位感染、多重耐药菌防控、医疗废物管理等医院感染防控基础知识,分析医学生掌握医院感染防控知识基本情况。结果:发放调查问卷198份,回收有效问卷190份,回收问卷有效率95.96 %;医院感染基本知识总分为(54.6±15.2)分,总分合格率为39.5 %;预防医学专业医学生医院感染基本知识总分高于临床医学专业医学生(P<0.05);预防专业医学生医院感染范围、消毒概念知晓率高于临床医学专业医学生,医疗废物贮存时间知晓率高于临床医学专业医学生(P<0.05)。结论:该校医学生对医院感染相关知识掌握不佳,学生在校期间应系统学习医院感染相关知识的课程;结合医院感染管理实际情况需要,在医学高等院校开设医院感染管理相关课程,尽早培养医学生感控思维,便于今后诊疗工作。


刘迎春 , 王春虾 , 陈蓉 , 徐荣 , 武海霞 , 王晓霞 . 某校医学生掌握医院感染相关知识的调查研究*[J]. 包头医学院学报, 2023 , 39(5) : 73 -76 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.05.014


Objective: An investigation on the condition of medical students mastering the knowledge on hospital infection was made in Baotou City with the purpose of providing basis for opening lectures on hospital infection. Methods: A survey was conducted on 198 medical interns of 2021 using QuestionStar online questionnaire. The contents of the survey included nosocomial infection, definitions of outbreak of nosocomial infection, hand hygiene, disinfection and sterilization, personal prevention, occupational exposure, infection of key sites, multi-drug-resistant bacteria prevention and control, medical waste management and other basic knowledge about nosocomial infection prevention and control. The basic situation of medical students mastering the knowledge on nosocomial infection prevention and control was analyzed. Results: A total of 198 questionnaires were distributed and 190 questionnaires were effectively returned, with an effective rate of 95.96 %. The total score of basic knowledge on nosocomial infection was (54.6 ± 15.2), and the qualified rate of the total score was 39.5 %. The total score of basic knowledge on nosocomial infection of students majoring in preventive medicine was significantly higher than that of students majoring in clinical medicine (P<0.05). The nosocomial infection range and disinfection concept awareness rate of students majoring in preventive medicine is higher than that of clinical medical students, and the medical waste storage time awareness rate of students majoring in preventive medicine is lower than that of the clinical medical students. Conclusion: We found that the medical students had a poor knowledge on hospital infections, and 62.63 % (119/190) of the medical students wishing to receive systematic and professional lectures on hospital infections. Integrated with the current situation of hospital infection management, courses on hospital infection management should be set in medical colleges and universities to cultivate infection controlling concept of medical student as soon as possible to facilitate future diagnosis and treatment.


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