目的:观察蒙医联合中西医的方法治疗布鲁氏菌病患者的临床疗效,分析评价该联合疗法的治疗效果,为布鲁氏菌病诊疗方案的制定和治疗方法的增进提供新的思路。方法:观察通辽市蒙医研究所布病科2021年3月-2021年5月确诊为布鲁氏菌病的113例患者的治疗效果、治疗期间出现的不良反应以及治疗的总有效率,依据国家试行标准中的疗效判定指标分析疗效。结果:113例好转率31.0 %,基本治愈率37.2 %,治愈率27.4 %,总有效率为95.6 %,治疗期间患者出现肝功能异常者6例,胃肠道不适19例,经治疗后均有一定程度的好转,其余患者经治疗效果显著。结论:蒙医联合中西医的治疗方法治疗布鲁氏菌病疗效显著,具有不良反应小、复发率低、治愈率高、经济适用等优点,值得更深一步探索和推广。
布鲁氏菌病; 蒙医; 中医; 西医; 疗效
Objective: To study the clinical efficacy of Mongolian medicine combined with TCM and western medicine in the treatment of patients with brucellosis, so as to provide new ideas for the diagnosis and treatment on brucellosis. Methods: A total of 113 patients diagnosed with brucellosis in the Brucellosis Department of the Institute of Mongolian Medicine of Tongliao City from March 2021 to May 2021 were selected as the research objects. Curative effect, adverse reactions during treatment and the total effective rate were observed and analyzed. The curative effect was evaluated based on the effectiveness indicators from the National Trial Standard. Results: In this study, the recovery rate was 30.0 %, the basic cure rate was 37.2 %, the cure rate was 27.4 %, and the total effective rate was 95.6 %. Abnormal liver function and gastrointestinal reactions were the main adverse reactions of patients during the treatment , which were all improved to a certain extent after treatment. The other patients were also obviously improved after treatment. Conclusion: Treating patients with Brucellosis using Mongolian medicine combined with TCM and Western medicine could achieve remarkable curative effect, with the advantages of small toxic and side effects, low recurrence rate, high cure rate and economic efficiency, which is worthy of further exploration and promotion.
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