

  • 袁甜 ,
  • 包艳 ,
  • 张梦洁 ,
  • 高磊 ,
  • 候瑞丽 ,
  • 史雪敏
  • 1.内蒙古科技大学包头医学院公共卫生学院,内蒙古包头 014060;

收稿日期: 2017-06-20

  网络出版日期: 2017-09-26



Analysis of influencing factors of overweight and obesity among pupils in Baotou

  • YUAN Tian ,
  • BAO Yan ,
  • ZHANG Mengjie ,
  • GAO Lei ,
  • HOU Ruil ,
  • SHI Xuemin
  • 1. School of Public Health,Baotou Medical College,Baotou 014060,China;
    2. Institute of Nutrition and Food Health, School of Public Health, Baotou Medical College,Baotou 014060,China

Received date: 2017-06-20

  Online published: 2017-09-26


目的: 了解某城市小学生2016年超重/肥胖的流行状况及相关影响因素。方法: 按照分层随机整群抽样方法对7~12岁的1 373名小学生进行问卷调查和体格检查,对相关因素进行Logistic回归分析。结果: 学生超重、肥胖检出率分别为11.94 %、14.64 %。其中男生超重、肥胖检出率分别为14.06 %、18.39 %,女生超重、肥胖检出率分别为10.06 %、11.29 %,男生超重、肥胖检出率高于女生(χ2超重=8.390,P<0.05;χ2肥胖=16.951,P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,性别[比值比(OR)1.733,95 %可信区间(CI)1.348-2.228)、睡前进食(OR 0.704,95 %CI 0.513-0.967)、家长能否有效干涉(OR 1.414,95 %CI 1.082-1.864)、进食早餐频率(OR 2.077,95 %CI 1.395-3.091)、学习中有无精神压力(OR 0.754,95 %CI 0.575-0.988)、周末娱乐时间(OR 2.238,95 %CI 1.166-4.296)及周末作业时间(OR 0.987,95 %CI 1.123-3.518)是影响学生超重/肥胖的独立影响因素。结论: 包头市7~12岁小学生超重/肥胖是由遗传因素、饮食习惯及生活方式共同作用的结果。相关部门应加强对学生的干预,提高学生体质、健康水平。


袁甜 , 包艳 , 张梦洁 , 高磊 , 候瑞丽 , 史雪敏 . 包头市小学生超重/肥胖影响因素分析*[J]. 包头医学院学报, 2017 , 33(9) : 86 -88 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2017.09.036


Objective: To investigate the prevalence and related factors of overweight and obesity among pupils in Baotou in 2016.Methods: Accordingto stratified random cluster sampling method, 1373 pupils of 7~12 years old in Baotou were investigated by questionnaires and physical examination, and the related factors were analyzed by Logistic regression.Results: The overall prevalence rates of overweight and obesity among students were11.94 % and 14.06 % respectively ( 14.64 % and 18.39 % respectively in males ; 10.06 % and 11.29 % respectively in females). The prevalence rates of overweight(χ2=8.390,P<0.05) and obesity(χ2=16.951,P<0.05)were higher in males than those in females (P<0.05). The prevalence rates of overweight and obesity were higher among the students whose mothers were overweight than the ones whose mothers where of normal weight(χ2=12.784,P<0.05).Logistic regression analyses showed that sex odds ratio(OR) 1.733,95 % confidenceinterval(CI) 1.348~2.228), eating before sleeping(OR 0.704,95 % CI 0.513~0.967, parents intervention(OR 1.414,95%CI 1.082~1.864), breakfast frequency(OR 2.077,95%CI 1.395~3.091, mental stress in learning(OR 0.754,95%CI 0.575~0.988, weekend entertainment time (OR 2.238,95%CI 1.166~4.296)and weekend homework time(OR 0.987,95%CI 1.123~3.518) were independently related to overweight and obesity.Conclusion: Theprevalence of overweight and obesity is associated with a variety of factors, including genetic history and unhealthy life styles among primary school students in the city of Baotou. Relevant departments should strengthen the intervention to improve students'physical fitness and health level.


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