

  • 林木本 ,
  • 吴培信 ,
  • 朱法清 ,
  • 陈聪 ,
  • 林国文
  • 廉江市人民医院肝胆外科,广东廉江 524400

收稿日期: 2022-08-03

  网络出版日期: 2023-04-14



Comparative study of four surgical methods in the treatment of cholecystolithiasis complicated with extrahepatic bile duct stones

  • LIN Muben ,
  • WU Peixin ,
  • ZHU Faqing ,
  • CHEN Cong ,
  • LIN Guowen
  • Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, The People's Hospital of Lianjiang, Lianjiang 524400,China

Received date: 2022-08-03

  Online published: 2023-04-14


目的: 探讨四种术式在治疗胆囊结石合并肝外胆管结石(CCL)中的应用价值。方法: 回顾性分析160例CCL患者的临床资料。根据术式的不同把患者分为A、B、C、D组,每组40例。A组行开腹胆囊切除术(OC)+胆总管切开胆管镜探查(OCBDE)+T管引流(TTD),B组行腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)+胆总管切开胆管镜探查(LCBDE)+TTD,C组行LC+LCBDE+胆管一期缝合(PDC),D组行LC+经胆囊管胆管镜探查(LTCBDE)。统计对比四组的手术相关指标、肝功能指标、应激反应指标、并发症和2年胆管结石累积复发情况。结果: 与A组比较,C、D组的手术时间均缩短,B、C、D组的住院时间、腹腔引流时间、恢复正常生活时间缩短,术后3 d空腹血糖、术后3 d血浆皮质醇、术后3 dC反应蛋白、并发症总发生率均明显低,但住院费用均高(P<0.05)。与B组比较,C、D组的手术时间、住院时间、腹腔引流时间、恢复正常生活时间缩短,住院费用、术后3 d空腹血糖、术后3 d血浆皮质醇、术后3 dC反应蛋白均明显低(P<0.05)。A、B、C、D组术后3 d的AST、ALT、总胆红素均明显低于术前(P<0.05)。结论: 四种术式各有优缺点,总体来看LC+LCBDE+PDC和LC+LTCBDE最优,其次为LC+LCBDE+TTD。


林木本 , 吴培信 , 朱法清 , 陈聪 , 林国文 . 四种术式治疗胆囊结石合并肝外胆管结石的对比研究*[J]. 包头医学院学报, 2023 , 39(4) : 34 -38 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.04.007


Objective: To investigate the application value of four surgical methods in cholecystolithiasis combined with extrahepatic bile duct stones (CCL). Methods: The clinical data of 160 patients with CCL were analyzed retrospectively. According to the different operation methods, the patients were divided into A, B, C and D groups, and 40 cases in each group. Group A was treated with open cholecystectomy (OC)+open cholecystectomy choledocholithotomy with exploration (OCBDE)+T-tube drainage (TTD). Group B was treated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC)+laparoscopic cholecystectomy choledocholithotomy with exploration (LCBDE)+TTD. Group C was treated with LC+LCBDE+primary duct closure (PDC). Group D was treated with LC+Laparoscopictranscystic duct common bile duct exploration (LTCBDE). The operation related indexes, liver function indexes, stress response indexes, complications and 2-year cumulative recurrence of bile duct stones in the four groups were compared. Results: Compared with group A, group C and group D had shorter hospitalization time, and group B, group C and group D had shorter abdominal drainage time and recovery time, and significantly lower fasting blood glucose 3 days after operation, plasma cortisol 3 days after operation, C-reactive protein 3 days after operation and total incidence of complications, but longer operation time and higher hospitalization expenses (P<0.05). Compared with group B, group C and group D had shorter operation time, hospitalization time, abdominal drainage time and recovery time, and also had lower hospitalization expenses, fasting blood glucose 3 days after operation, plasma cortisol 3 days after operation, C-reactive protein 3 days after operation (P<0.05). The AST, ALT and total bilirubin of group A, group B, group C, group D 3 days after operation were significantly lower than thsoe before operation (P<0.05). Conclusions: Each of the four methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. In general, LC+LCBDE+PDC and LC+LTCBDE are the best, followed by LC+LCBDE+TTD.


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