目的: 研究超声引导下注射硬化剂聚桂醇对甲状腺囊肿的临床疗效及安全性。方法: 选择2011年1月至2015年12月进行诊治的甲状腺囊肿患者160例,随机分为观察组与对照组,每组各80例。对照组采用超声引导下经皮注射无水乙醇硬化治疗,观察组采用超声引导下经皮注射聚桂醇硬化治疗,治疗3个月后对两组的临床有效率进行随访观察,并对比两组患者不良反应发生情况。结果: 观察组的有效率为95.00 %(76/80),与对照组的93.75 %(75/80)比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组患者均未发生感染、颈部血肿、出血等严重不良反应,但观察组有8例患者右上腹部出现轻微胀痛,对照组有16例患者发生心跳加快、面红、口干、恶心以及呕吐等醉酒症状,有42例患者在治疗过程中发生不同程度的疼痛;观察组的不良反应发生率为10.00 %(8/80)低于对照组的72.50 %(58/80)(χ2=42.351,P=0.000)。结论: 超声引导下注射硬化剂聚桂醇与无水乙醇对甲状腺囊肿的临床治疗效果相同,但不良反应发生率低于无水乙醇,是一种治疗甲状腺囊肿安全有效的硬化剂。
Objective: To study the clinical efficacy and safety of ultrasound guided lauromacrogol injection in the treatment of thyroid cyst.Methods: 160 cases of patients with thyroid cyst from January 2011 to December 2015 were selected and randomly divided into observation group and control group, 80 cases in each group. The control group received ultrasound guided percutaneous sclerotherapy injection of anhydrous ethanol, and the observation group received ultrasound guided percutaneous injection of lauromacrogol. After 3 months of treatment, the clinical efficacy in the two groups was followed up, and the adverse reactions of the two groups were compared.Results: The effective rate in observation group was 95.00 % (76/80), which had no difference with that in control group (93.75 %, 75/80) (P>0.05). There were no serious adverse reactions, such as infection, cervical hematoma, bleeding and so on, in the two groups. There were 8 cases of mild pain in the right upper abdomen in observation group; and there were 16 cases of some drunken symptoms like increased heart rate, flushing, dry mouth, nausea and vomiting and 42 cases of patients with different degrees of pain in the course of treatment in control group. The adverse reaction occurrence rate in observation group was 10.00 % (8/80), which was significantly lower than that in control group (72.50 %, 58/80) (χ2=42.351, P<0.05).Conclusion: Ultrasound guided lauromacrogol injection has the same clinical effect with anhydrous ethanol sclerotherapy in the treatment of thyroid cyst, but the adverse reactions incidence of ultrasound guided lauromacrogol injection is significantly lower than that of anhydrous ethanol sclerotherapy. It is a safe and effective sclerotherapy in treating thyroid cyst.
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