

  • 张丽华 ,
  • 娄源 ,
  • 吴宜伟 ,
  • 乔瑞
  • 1.包钢集团第三职工医院,内蒙古包头 014010;

收稿日期: 2021-09-20

  网络出版日期: 2022-09-09


* 2022年度自治区卫生健康科技计划项目(202201500)

HPV infection status and genotyping analysis of female patients in a hospital in Baotou

  • ZHANG Lihua ,
  • LOU Yuan ,
  • WU Yiwei ,
  • QIAO Rui
  • 1. The Third Hospital of Baotou Steel Group, Baotou 014010,China;
    2. Baotou Medical College, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology

Received date: 2021-09-20

  Online published: 2022-09-09


目的:探索包头地区HPV感染人群的分布情况及主要基因分型,为防治提出对策措施。方法:采用描述性研究方法,选取2020年7月—12月检测HPV的就诊女性作为研究对象,调查研究对象的一般情况、疾病状况,同时采集其宫颈上皮脱落细胞,采用PCR-反向点杂交法进行HPV分型检测。结果:调查的1 138例患者中检测出HPV感染者254例,感染率22.32 %;其中低危型感染率为13.59 %,高危型感染率为86.41 %;多重感染76例,占29.92 %。感染前5位分别为HPV16:19.69 %;HPV52:17.32 %;HPV53、HPV58、HPV42:11.02 %。年龄分组中,60~70岁组检测感染率最高,为32.69 %。就诊分布中,妇科门诊为226人(88.98 %)。就诊原因中,仅12人(4.72 %)主动进行HPV感染检测。结论:HPV感染主要以单一型感染为主,高危型感染占比高;应加强健康教育,提高主动检测意识,利于HPV感染的早发现、早诊断、早治疗。


张丽华 , 娄源 , 吴宜伟 , 乔瑞 . 包头地区某医院就诊女性患者HPV感染现状及基因分型分析*[J]. 包头医学院学报, 2022 , 38(9) : 56 -58 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2022.09.013


Objective: To explore the distribution and main genotypes of HPV-infected people in Baotou area, so as to put forward corresponding countermeasures for prevention and control. Methods: Descriptive research method was used to select women who were tested for HPV from July to December 2020 as the research object.The general situation and disease status of the subjects were investigated.At the same time, cervical epithelial exfoliated cells were collected, and HPV typing was detected by PCR-reverse dot hybridization. Results: Among the 1 138 patients investigated, 254 were infected, the infection rate was 22.32 %, of which the low-risk infection rate was 13.56 %, and the high-risk infection rate was 86.68 %; there were 76 cases with multiple infections, accounting for 29.92 %.The top five infections were HPV16:19.69 %; HPV52:17.32 %; HPV53, HPV58 and HPV42:11.02 %.Among the age groups, the highest infection rate was 32.69 % in 60-70 years old group.The number of gynecological outpatients was 226 (88.98 %), only 12 patients (4.72 %) took the initiative to detect HPV infection. Conclusion: HPV infections are mainly single type, of which high-risk infections account for a high proportion, and the awareness of an active detection is weak.Health education should be strengthened to improve the awareness of active detections, so as to facilitate the early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment of HPV infections.


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