

  • 林传辉 ,
  • 李少霞 ,
  • 何步高
  • 江门市新会区司前人民医院,广东江门 529159

收稿日期: 2017-05-16

  网络出版日期: 2017-09-26

Analysis of the application and irrational drug use of Amikacin injection in the outpatient and emergency department

  • LIN Chuanhui ,
  • LI Shaoxia ,
  • HE Bugao
  • Xinhui District Siqian People's Hospital of Jiangmen City in Guangdong Province, Jiangmen 529159, China

Received date: 2017-05-16

  Online published: 2017-09-26


目的: 评价司前人民医院小儿患者门急诊阿米卡星注射液的应用情况以及其用药的合理性。方法: 选取2016年1月至12月的门急诊电子处方共3 499张,分别从各年龄段、单人用药次数及人数统计、医生处方数、临床诊断类别等方面对阿米卡星注射液的应用情况进行统计分析。结果: 共调查3 499张电子处方,2 061位患者。其中0~8周岁小儿的处方有3 078张,占88.0 %;3 499张门急诊处方分别由12名医生开出,其中开方最多的医生共开出2 134张,占61.0 %;临床诊断以呼吸系统疾病为主,占90.0 %,其中上呼吸道疾病占42.1 %、下呼吸道疾病占47.9 %。结论: 2016年我院0~12岁小儿患者门急诊阿米卡星注射液应用不合理现象普遍存在,应增强临床医师的作用,进一步促进临床合理用药。


林传辉 , 李少霞 , 何步高 . 乡镇医院小儿患者门急诊阿米卡星注射液应用情况以及不合理用药分析[J]. 包头医学院学报, 2017 , 33(9) : 58 -59 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2017.09.023


Objective: To analyze the application of Amikacin injection in the outpatient and emergency department in the hospital and its rationality.Methods: 3 499 prescriptions of outpatient and emergency from January 2016 to December 2016 in the hospital were selected. Statistical analysis was made on the application of Amikacin injection from different age groups, the number of single use and people counting, the number of prescriptions and the clinical diagnosis types.Results: A total of 3 499 electronic prescriptions were investigated, with a total of 2061 patients. Among them, 0-8 years old children had 3078 prescriptions, accounting for 88.0 %. 3 499 prescriptions in outpatient and emergency departments were made by 12 doctors, in which a doctor made 2134 prescriptions, accounting for 61.0 %. Respiratory diseases were the main diagnosis, accounting for 90.0 %, in which upper respiratory tract diseases accounted for 42.1% and lower respiratory tract diseases accounted for 47.9 %.Conclusion: In 2016, the unreasonable phenomenon of Amikacin injection application for 0-12 years old children in outpatient and emergency department in the hospital exist, and thus the function of clinicians should be enhanced and the clinical rational use of drugs should be further promoted.


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