Objective: To explore the clinical effect of removal of internal fixation materials percutaneously under arthroscopy after healing from femoral fractures.Methods: The clinical data of 82 patients with femoral fractures treated with internal fixation with steel plate and screw fixation hospitalized from May 2013 to May 2016 , whose internal fixation materials needed to be removed were retrospectively analyzed and divided into the arthroscopy group (32 cases) and the conventional surgery group(50 cases). The arthroscopy group received percutaneous removal of the internal fixation materials under arthroscopy, while the conventional group received removal of the internal fixation materials via the original incision, with the incision length, the operation time, the amount of bleeding , the hospitalization time and the postoperative pain visual analogue scale (VAS) compared.Results: The operative incision of the arthroscopy group was smaller than that of the conventional group(Z=5.431,P=0.000); the amount of bleeding during operation in the arthroscopy group was less than that in the conventional group(Z=5.365,P=0.000) ; the length of hospital stay was shorter in the arthroscopy group than that in the conventional group(t=4.091,P=0.000); the postoperative VAS score in the arthroscopy group was lower than that in the conventional operation group(t=4.872,P=0.000).There was no statistical difference between the two groups in the operation time(P>0.05).Conclusion: Removal of internal fixation materials percutaneously under arthroscopy after healing from femoral fractures is less traumatic and has less bleeding and a good clinical effect, with which the patients are satisfied, so it can be promoted in the hospitals which were equipped with arthroscopy .
YANG Liangsuo
PENG Gaofeng
GUO Xiaoqi
LI Xiaowen
HE Jiangtao
. Clinical effect of removal of internal fixation materials percutaneously under arthroscopy after healing from femoral fractures[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2017
, 33(9)
: 20
DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2017.09.008
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