Objective: To analyze the combination and regularity of acupoint selection in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome by auricular therapy through data mining. Methods: In the China National Knowledge Infrastructure, VIP Chinese Science and Technology Periodicals Full-Text Database, Wanfang Journal Full-text Database, the medical clinical research literature on the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome with auricular points was searched, and the relevant auricular point combination prescriptions were extracted to create a statistical database. Frequency statistics, association rule analysis and cluster analysis were performed on the commonly used treatment methods of auricular points, high-frequency auricular points, and auricular point combinations. Results: A tota of 127 articles and 28 related acupoints had been included, and a total of 105 auricular acupoint prescriptions had been extracted. The high-frequency use of auricular points in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome was auricular point sticking (81.9%); the commonly used acupoints were heart, kidney, spleen, liver and subcortical. The key auricular point combinations were heart, kidney, liver, spleen, sympathetic and subcortical. Conclusion: The main method of auricular therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome is auricular point sticking and TCM syndrome differentiation guidance. According to different fatigue symptoms, most of the acupoints are selected to be heart, kidney, spleen, sympathetic and liver, subcortical as the main body, supplemented by auxiliary acupoints. It is operable to analyze the combination and compatibility of auricular points for chronic fatigue syndrome, which provides a reference for clinical medical research.
XIA Wenjuan
LI Yifang
ZHANG Chuanying
YAN Guiming
. Analysis of acupoint selection rule of auricular therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome based on data mining[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2024
, 40(11)
: 73
DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2024.11.015
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