Effect of GPIa C807T and G873A gene polymorphisms on platelet aggregation inhibition rate

  • JIAO Ruibao ,
  • CHEN Yingchun ,
  • JIANG Shifang ,
  • ZHOU Jiali ,
  • ZHANG Sheng ,
  • CHEN Jizhong
  • Clinical Laboratory Center of Tongling People's Hospital Affiliated to Wannan Medical College, Tongling 244000, China

Received date: 2023-08-30

  Online published: 2024-09-03


Objective: To explore the effect of GPIa C807T and G873A gene polymorphisms on platelet aggregation inhibition rate, aiming to provide experimental data for clinical individualized antiplatelet aggregation therapy. Methods: A total of 80 inpatients receiving antiplatelet treatment with aspirin were collected and divided into two groups according to the inhibition rate of platelet aggregation detected by thromboelastography.10 patients were divided into the aspirin resistance (AR) group and 70 patients into the aspirin sensitive (AS) group. The genotypes of GPIa C807T, G873A and their allele distribution in the two groups were analyzed, and the relationship between clinical data and experimental indicators of the two groups were also analyzed. Results: The 807T and 873G alleles in the AR group were higher than those in the AS group (χ2=4.039, 4.354, P=0.044, 0.037). The prevalence of hypertension and stroke history in the AR group was higher than that in the AS group (χ2=4.612, 4.737, P=0.032, 0.030). Plasma D-dimer (D-D) and serum triglyceride (TG) in the AR group were higher than those in the AS group (t=2.499, 2.276, P=0.016, 0.033), while platelet aggregation inhibition rate (IPA) and serum glucose (GLU) in the AR group were lower than those in the AS group (t=15.352, 3.076, P<0.001, 0.005). Conclusion: GPIa C807T and G873A gene polymorphism were correlated with aspirin resistance. Joint detection of the two gene loci polymorphisms and platelet aggregation inhibition rate was recommended to jointly guide the clinical individualized antiplatelet aggregation therapy.

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JIAO Ruibao , CHEN Yingchun , JIANG Shifang , ZHOU Jiali , ZHANG Sheng , CHEN Jizhong . Effect of GPIa C807T and G873A gene polymorphisms on platelet aggregation inhibition rate[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2024 , 40(8) : 21 -25 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2024.08.005


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