Objective:To compare the effectiveness of fluorescence staining method and KOH wet mount method on detecting superficial fungal diseases and the detection rates at different detection sites. Methods: Specimens of patients who were diagnosed with superficial fungal disease at the Dermatology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College from October 2021 to March 2023 were collected. The fluorescence staining and KOH wet mount method were used for microscopic examination. The positive detection rate and the positive detection rate at different detection sites were compared. Results:The detection patients of the KOH wet mount method and fluorescence staining method were 558 and 691 cases (the positive rates were 38.35% and 58.47%) respectively, with a statistically significant difference in positive detection rates (χ2=49.967, P<0.01). And the positive detection rate of fluorescence staining at the head, face, hands, feet, trunk, groin, and nail parts was higher than that of KOH wet mount method, and the differences were statistically significant. The differences were sequentially decreased from foot, head, face, groin, hand, nail, and trunk parts. Conclusion: The positive detection rate of fluorescence staining tests on superficial fungal diseases is significantly better than that of KOH wet mount method, which could reduce the missed and misdiagnosed rate. It is preferred to detect superficial fungal diseases at nail, foot, groin, head and face, while hand and body detection could choose KOH test or fluorescence staining test based on the clinical experience of doctors to relieve the economic burden of patients.
YANG Meili
WU Junying
YANG Huijuan
LI Danyang
ZHAO Yiyuan
HAO Yong
SHI Jihai
. Comparative study between fluorescence staining method and KOH wet mount method on 1 249 cases of superficial mycosis in Baotou area[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2024
, 40(7)
: 53
DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2024.07.009
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