Objective: To evaluate the effects of different doses of sufentanil on postoperative cognitive impairment in aged rats with perioperative cognitive dysfunction. Methods: Sixty aged (18-22 months) rats were randomly divided into 6 groups using a random number table method: control group, PND model group (splenectomy), sufentanil group A (splenectomy+sufentanil 1 μg·kg-1), sufentanil group B (splenectomy+sufentanil 2 μg·kg-1), sufentanil group C (splenectomy+sufentanil 4 μg·kg-1), sufentanil group D (splenectomy+sufentanil 8 μg·kg-1), with 10 rats in each group. First, the Morris water maze was used to conduct space acquisition experiments for 5 consecutive days of all the groups. On the 6th day, model construction and/or preoperative sufentanil intraperitoneal intervention were performed on all the other groups of aged rats except for the control group. All aged rats were tested for spatial memory on the 1, 3 and 7 days after surgery. Results: Space-acquired experiments made the memory of platform position in aged rats gradually deepen with time (P<0.05), and rats gained effective memory of platform position, there was no difference between the groups. The reference memory test results showed that the difference in spatial memory between the control group and each of the other groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was significant difference in spatial memory ability between the model group and the sufentanil B group, the sufentanil C group and the sufentanil D group (P<0.05). In addition to the control group, the spatial memory ability of the sufentanil C group was significantly different from that of the other groups (P<0.05). Conclusion: Different doses of sufentanil have different effects on postoperative spatial memory in elderly rats, while intraperitoneal injection of 4 μg·kg-1 sufentanil can significantly improve the spatial memory ability and postoperative cognitive function of splenectomy PND model rats.
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