Study on Mechanism of Awei Bawei Pill in treating Meniere's Syndrome based on network pharmacology

  • ZHANG Shuning ,
  • AN Ming ,
  • BO Yukun ,
  • GUO Meitong ,
  • YANG Dan
  • Baotou Medical College, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014040,China

Received date: 2023-06-30

  Online published: 2024-05-20


Objective: To explore the mechanism of treating Meniere's syndrome with Awei Bawei Pill, a Mongolian medicine preparation, based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology, and provide systematic biological information and theoretical basis for treating Meniere's syndrome with Chinese and Mongolian medicines. Methods: The active ingredients of Awei-8 Pill were discovered by searching the TCMSP, BATMAN-TCM and SwissTargetPrediction databases and reviewing the literature; GeneCards, OMIM and DrugBank databases were used to obtain the related targets of Meniere's syndrome, and the drug-disease targets were mapped to obtain the intersection targets; the PPI network was constructed by STRING network platform and the core genes were screened by Cytoscape 3.9.1 software. STRING network platform to construct PPI network and use Cytoscape 3.9.1 software to screen out core genes; DAVID data platform was used for GO enrichment analysis and KEGG enrichment analysis; finally, the key active ingredients and core targets obtained were validated and analyzed by molecular docking technology. Results: 37 active ingredients, 521 predicted action targets, 695 genes related to Meniere's syndrome, and 15 key targets for the treatment of Meniere's syndrome with A. ferrugineum were obtained; a total of 9 key active ingredients and 5 core targets for the treatment of Meniere's syndrome with A. ferrugineum were screened;GO enrichment analysis showed the first five items of cell component (CC), molecular function (MF) and biological process (BP), KEGG pathway enrichment yielded 20 major pathways; molecular docking showed that the key active ingredients had good binding ability to the core targets. Conclusions: Awei Bawei Pill can play a synergistic role in treating Meniere's syndrome through multi-component, multi-target and multi-channel mechanism.

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ZHANG Shuning , AN Ming , BO Yukun , GUO Meitong , YANG Dan . Study on Mechanism of Awei Bawei Pill in treating Meniere's Syndrome based on network pharmacology[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2024 , 40(5) : 79 -85 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2024.05.015


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