Objective: To explore the correlation of upper limb motor function Fugl-Meyer rating scale (FMA-UE), simple upper limb function assessment scale (STEF) and test évaluant les membres supérieurs des personnes agées (TEMPA), to observe the ceiling effect or floor effect in patients with different degrees of stroke, and to compare the responsiveness of the three scales, so as to provide guidance for the selection of scales in clinic. Methods: FMA-UE, STEF and TEMPA were used to evaluate the upper limb function in patients with stroke. Spearman method was used to analyze the correlation of the three scales, and the proportion of people close to the maximum / minimum score was calculated to observe whether there was ceiling effect or floor effect. Twenty patients in subacute stage were selected for routine upper limb rehabilitation training. Two weeks later, the upper limb function was evaluated with TEMPA, FMA-UE and STEF, and the responsiveness of the three scales was observed. Results: The correlation coefficient between FMA-UE and STEF was 0.767, and that between STEF and TEMPA was 0.559~0.848, and that between STEF and TEMPA was 0.840~0.908. FMA-UE showed ceiling effect in patients with mild upper limb disorders, STEF showed significant floor effect in patients with moderate upper limb disorders, and all patients with severe upper limb disorders scored 0. TEMPA scale did not show ceiling effect or floor effect. The responsiveness of the three scales was good, including effect scale (ES): FMA-UE > STEF > TEMPA task analysis dimension > TEMPA function score dimension, standardized response mean (SRM), median effect scale (MES): FMA-UE > TEMPA task analysis dimension > STEF > TEMPA function score dimension. Conclusion: There is a high correlation and good responsiveness among the three upper limb function assessment scales. However, FMA-UE shows ceiling effect in patients with mild upper limb disorders. STEF is only suitable for the evaluation of patients with mild upper limb disorders. TEMPA scale does not find ceiling effect or floor effect, so it can be used widely.
ZHANG Xiaoxue
WANG Jinzhi
QI Lina
WANG Ruiyue
HOU Bing
. Study on ceiling effect and responsiveness of three upper extremity function assessment scales for stroke[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2024
, 40(5)
: 55
DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2024.05.011
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