Objective: To explore the effect of respiratory nursing subprofessional group on nutrition, pulmonary function and quality of life in severe patients with enteral nutrition. Methods: A total of 80 critically ill patients underwent enteral nutrition admitted to Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine our hospital from January 2020 to December 2021 were selected by convenient sampling as the research objects, and the patients were divided into the control group and intervention group respectively according to the order of admission. Patients in the control group were given routine nursing, while patients in the intervention group received nursing intervention from the nursing subprofessional group. The differences of nutritional score, pulmonary function and quality of life between the two groups before and after intervention were compared. Results: Compared with the control group, PG-SGA score in the intervention group was improved, and the lung function indexes on FEV1, FEV1%, FVC and FEV1/FVC% were all improved. Compared with the control group, the quality of life of the intervention group was significantly reduced in respiratory symptoms, mobility, disease impact and total score (P<0.05). Conclusion: The establishment of respiratory nursing subprofessional group can significantly improve the nutritional status and pulmonary function of severe patients undergoing enteral nutrition, and obviously improve their quality of life.
XIE Xuping
. Effect of respiratory nursing subprofessional group on nutrition, pulmonary function and quality of life in severe patients with enteral nutrition[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2024
, 40(3)
: 88
DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2024.03.017
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