Objective: To investigate the main risk factors of peripheral neuropathy in elderly Chinese patients with diabetes mellitus. Methods: Literature on risk factors of peripheral neuropathy in elderly Chinese patients with diabetes was searched from CNKI, Wanfang, VIP, CBM, PubMed, Web of Science, EMbase and Cochrane Library. The search time limit was from the establishment of the database to October 11, 2022. The Stata12.0 software was used during the meta-analysis. Results: In all, 12 studies were included, including 3492 elderly patients with diabetes and 2057 patients with peripheral neuropathy. Meta-analysis indicated that risk factors for peripheral neuropathy in older Chinese patients with diabetes comprised age [OR=1.194,95% CI (1.111,1.283),P<0.05], course of disease[OR=1.756,95% CI (1.497,2.060),P<0.05], HbAlc[OR=1.516,95% CI (1.244,1.848),P<0.05], TC[OR=1.323,95% CI (1.079,1.622),P<0.05], and 2hPG[OR=1.108,95% CI (1.056,1.163),P<0.05]. Conclusion: Age, duration of diabetes, glycosylated hemoglobin, total cholesterol and blood sugar two hours after a meal are the risk factors of peripheral neuropathy in elderly patients with diabetes in China, which should be prevented and controlled from multiple aspects.
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