Objective: To explore the medication rules of Mongolian medicine in the treatment of brucellosis based on data mining. Methods: The data of commonly used clinical drugs in the Department of Brucellosis of Tongliao Mongolian Medical Hospital were collected and relevant literatures on treating brucellosis with Mongolian medicine in the database of CNKI, CQVIP and WANFANG DATA from their building to now were retrieved.The prescriptions for the treatment of brucellosis were sorted out comprehensively and systematically, and the drug composition, frequency, compatibility rules of Mongolian medicine were analyzed using SPSS 25 and IBM SPSS Modeler 18. Results: In the treatment of brucellosis, the most frequently used single Mongolian medicines are gardenia, Radix Aucklandiae, Fructus Toosendan, Fructus amomi rotundus and fructus chebulae. The main properties of those medicines are warm and cold, with the main flavors of sweet, hard and bitter. The classification and analysis of viscera mainly focused on spleen, stomach and liver. The core drugs are Fructus Gardenia, Fructus Toosendan, Saffiower, Fructus amomi rotundus, cardamom, Chopper. Conclusion: In the treatment of brucellosis with Mongolian medicine, the three principles of overall stickkilling, detoxification and conditioning should be followed. The general principle is to run the black and white pulse, smooth the stiffness of muscles and bones, which is consistent with the therapeutic principles of sterilization, anti-inflammatory and immune regulation in modern medicine. Therefore, this study provides theoretical basis for the research on the mechanism of treating brucellosis with Mongolian medicine
WANG Zhanli
YU Hong
DAI Narisu
A Gula
. Analysis on the medication rules of Mongolian medicine in treating in brucellosis[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2023
, 39(11)
: 80
DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.11.016
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