Objective: To explore the diagnostic and prognostic value of Tp-Te/QT ratio and serum Ang Ⅱ level in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods: A total of 243 patients who were admitted to the hospital for coronary angiography due to chest pain were selected and divided into the negative control group (CON group), unstable angina group (UAP group) and myocardial infarction group (AMI group) according to the results of the angiography. Tp-Te/QT ratio was tested and serum Ang Ⅱ levels were detected using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic value of Tp-Te/QT ratio and Ang Ⅱ levels in patients with ACS. Results: Compared with the CON group, the UAP group had higher age, TC level and longer Tp-Te interval (P<0.05). Compared with the CON and UAP group, the levels of SCr, TC, D-dimer and Ang Ⅱ, the Tp-Te interval and Tp-Te/QT ratio of the AMI group had were significantly increased (P<0.05). The results of binary logistic regression analysis showed that Tp-Te/QT ratio and Ang Ⅱ levels were independent predictors in AMI diagnosis. The receiver operating characteristic curve(ROC curve) indicated that the best cut-off value of Tp-Te/QT is 0.29 (sensitivity 55.6 %, specificity 80.7 %), and the best cut-off value of Ang Ⅱ level is 49.50mg/L (sensitivity 83.3 %, specificity 49.8 %) ), the combined prediction of the two indicators can improve the diagnostic specificity (sensitivity 63.9 %, specificity 85.5 %). Binary logistic regression analysis suggested that Tp-Te/QT ratio and serum Ang Ⅱ levels were independent risk factors for MACE events (P<0.05 ), and ROC results showed that the best cut-off value of Tp-Te/QT to evaluate MACE events was 0.30 (sensitivity 66.70 %, specificity 89.20 %), and the best cut-off value of Ang Ⅱ level was 66.50 mg/L (sensitivity 75 %, specificity 93.2 %), the combined prediction of the two indicators can improve the diagnostic sensitivity (sensitivity 87.50 %, specificity 89.80 %). Conclusion: Tp-Te/QT ratio and Ang Ⅱ level have certain predictive value in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) diagnosis and MACE event evaluation, and the combination of the two indicators can improve the specificity of AMI diagnosis and the sensitivity of MACE event evaluation.
ZHAO Sheng
LI Tianyu
CHEN Houliang
GAO Yanlin
. Diagnostic and prognostic value of Tp-Te/QTc ratio and Ang Ⅱ level in patients with ACS[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2023
, 39(9)
: 28
DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.09.006
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