Research on the renewal willingness and influencing factors of family doctor services for grassroots residents in s city of anhui province from the perspective of demand side

  • LV Bangliang ,
  • PENG Jing ,
  • WANG Shumin ,
  • CHEN Hao ,
  • DENG Shanshan
  • 1. School of Health Administration, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032,China;
    2. School of Nursing, Bengbu Medical College

Received date: 2023-03-27

  Online published: 2023-08-28


Objective: To understand the basic situation, the degree of understanding of contracted services, satisfaction and renewal intention of contracted residents in rural areas of a city in Anhui Province, and to analyze the factors affecting the renewal intention of contracted residents in rural areas. Methods: A multi-stage stratified random sampling method was used to select four counties and one district of a city in Anhui S as the survey area, and a self-designed questionnaire was used for investigation. Results: Among the 494 residents surveyed, the residents' understanding of the contracted service was 62.9 %, the satisfaction with the overall situation of the contracted service was 89.7 %, and the willingness of the contracted residents to renew the contract was 90.30 %. The results showed that the main factors affecting the willingness of residents to renew their contracts in the region included: the preferred medical institution when residents had health problems, residents' satisfaction with the overall situation of contracted services, the satisfaction of family doctors' diagnosis and treatment ability, and the overall effect of family doctors. Conclusion: The satisfaction of contracted services in rural areas of the city and the willingness of contracted residents to renew contracts are high, but the understanding of contracted services is not high, which still needs to be further improved.

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LV Bangliang , PENG Jing , WANG Shumin , CHEN Hao , DENG Shanshan . Research on the renewal willingness and influencing factors of family doctor services for grassroots residents in s city of anhui province from the perspective of demand side[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2023 , 39(8) : 68 -73 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.08.014


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