Effect of Tobradex eye drops combined with Olotadine eye drops on children with seasonal allergic conjunctivitis

  • DU Pengcheng ,
  • CHANG Debin ,
  • KANG Hao
  • Department of Ophthalmology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Baotou 014010, China

Received date: 2022-03-01

  Online published: 2023-08-28


Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effect of Tobradex eye drops combined with Olotadine eye drops on allergic conjunctivitis. Methods: A total of 117 children with allergic conjunctivitis diagnosed and treated by the ophthalmology department were randomly divided into observation group (59 cases) and control group (58 cases). The control group was treated with Olotadine eye drops, while the observation group was treated with Tobradex eye drops combined with Olotadine eye drops. After 2 weeks of treatment, the therapeutic effects, clinical symptoms and signs of the two groups were compared. The disappearance time of clinical symptoms and the incidence of adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. The changes of Hyaluronic acid (HA), Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) and Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in serum and tears were compared between the two groups before and after treatment. Results: The total effective rate in the observation group was 89.83%, which was higher than that in the control group (70.69%) (P<0.05). The disappearance time of clinical symptoms and signs in observation group was shorter than that in control group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the total incidence of adverse reactions between observation group and control group (P>0.05). After treatment, the levels of HA, ECP and IgE in serum and tear of observation group and control group were lower than those before treatment (P<0.05), and the observation group was lower than control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: The clinical efficacy of Tobradex combined with Olotadine in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in children is better than that of Olotadine, which is worth popularizing.

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DU Pengcheng , CHANG Debin , KANG Hao . Effect of Tobradex eye drops combined with Olotadine eye drops on children with seasonal allergic conjunctivitis[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2023 , 39(8) : 33 -36 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.08.007


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