Expression and clinical significance of THBS2 and Survivin in colorectal cancer

  • HAI Erhan ,
  • XIAO Zhengjie ,
  • TIAN Qinggang
  • 1. Baotou Medical College, Baotou 014040, China;
    2. The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University;
    3. The Fourth Hospital of Baotou

Received date: 2022-11-07

  Online published: 2023-06-30


Objective: To explore the expression and clinical significance of THBS2 and Survivin in colorectal cancer. Methods: Paraffin-embedded colorectal cancer tissues and 20 paracancer tissues of 60 patients with complete medical records meeting the inclusion criteria were selected as colorectal cancer group and colorectal cancer group, and THBS2 and Survivin expression were detected by immunohistochemical staining. The pathological data and medical records of 60 patients with colorectal cancer were collected, and the survival follow-up of 30 patients with colorectal cancer was obtained. Spearman detection and Chi-square detection were performed to analyze the correlation of THBS2 and Survivin with different pathological parameters, and survival curves of THBS2 and Survivin with different expression parameters were plotted. Results: The positive expression rate of THBS2 was 80.0 % in colorectal cancer tissues, 10.0 % in adjacent tissues, 83.3 % in colorectal cancer tissues, and 5.0 % in adjacent tissues. The expressions of THBS2 and Survivin were statistically significant in colon cancer tissues and adjacent tissues (P<0.01), and the expressions of THBS2 and Survivin were statistically significant in lymph node metastasis, degree of tumor differentiation, and AJCC eighth stage of colorectal cancer (P<0.05). The expressions of THBS2 and Survivin were not significantly different with age, gender, pathological type, liver metastasis, tumor site and tumor size (P>0.05). THBS2 expression was positively correlated with Survivin expression (r=0.447, P<0.05). Conclusion: The differential expression of THBS2 and Survivin in colorectal cancer is related to the occurrence and development of colorectal cancer.

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HAI Erhan , XIAO Zhengjie , TIAN Qinggang . Expression and clinical significance of THBS2 and Survivin in colorectal cancer[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2023 , 39(6) : 67 -71 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.06.014


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