Objective: To investigate the relationship between the change of retinal vascular diameter and the severity of leukoaraiosis.Methods: A total of 48 patients with leukoaraiosis and 42 healthy subjects without leukoaraiosis were selected.Fazekas classification was used to evaluate leukoaraiosis grading.Eyeground photographs were taken with optic disc as the center.ImageJ 1.46 software was used to measure the arithmetic measure the arithmetic mean of the external diameter of the retinal artery and the superior temporal, inferior temporal, superior nasal and inferior nasal branches of the vein at 1.5 optic disc diameters ( DD ) away from the edge of the optic disc.The differences in vascular diameter between patients with and without leukoaraiosis were compared.Results: The structure of white matter was negatively correlated with the ratio of central retinal artery diameter and arteriovenous diameter, and positively correlated with central retinal vein diameter.Conclusion: The central vascular diameter of retina is correlated with white matter thinning,The narrower the arterial vessel diameter and the wider the central venous vessel diameter, the more severe the retinal vasculopathy and the higher the grade of white matter loosening.
WU Binge
. Study on correlation between retinal vascular diameter change and cerebral white matter thinning[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2023
, 39(6)
: 58
DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.06.012
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