Objective: To study the influence of family history of cancer on patients with lung cancer, understand the prevalence of family history of cancer in patients with lung cancer, and analyze the relationship between family history of cancer in patients with lung cancer and disease history, diet, behavioral habits and living environment. Methods: A face-to-face study was conducted on 486 patients with lung cancer in Anhui Province, and 2 430 non-cancer patients were selected as the control group according to the 1∶5 age and gender matching conditions. The family history of cancer, disease history, diet and behavior habits were investigated. Results: The positive rate of family history of cancer in 486 patients with lung cancer was 35.6 %. Among them, the risk of lung cancer in the first-degree relatives with positive cancer history was higher than that in the second and third-degree relatives with positive cancer history (P<0.05). The trend test resuts of lung cancer patients were statistically significant (P<0.05). The influence of family history of cancer on pneumonia and chronic bronchitis was statistically significant (P<0.05). Among lung cancer patients with pneumonia and chronic bronchitis, the proportion of patients with family history of cancer was higher. There were statistically significant differences in the distribution of family history of cancer among people who often ate pickled foods, fumigated foods, preferred foods with heavy flavors, often drinking, smoking, second-hand smoke, exposure to pesticides, firewood smoke, dust, and pollution sources near houses (P<0.05). The proportion of people with family history of cancer in the above influencing factors was higher than that of people without family history of cancer. Conclusion: The family history of cancer has a significant impact on the disease history, diet and behavior habits of patients with lung cancer. Health education and health monitoring should be carried out for relatives with positive cancer history, which is helpful to improve the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.
LEI Jiamin
SHEN Xingrong
LIU Rong
WANG Debin
. Relationship between family history of cancer and behavior related to lung cancer among urban and rural residents in Anhui Province[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2023
, 39(5)
: 55
DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.05.011
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