Objective: To systematically review the toxoplasma infection rate and risk factors among pregnant women in mainland China, so as to provide references for prevention strategies.Methods: The original study on the toxoplasma infection rate and risk factors in pregnant women in China were searched in databases as PubMed, CNKI, VIP and Wan Fang. 18 published studies were finally included according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and Meta Analyst Beta 3.13 software and Rev Man 5.2 software were adopted to make the Meta-analysis.Results: The results showed that the toxoplasma infection rate was 8.10% (95 % CI: 6.80 %-9.70 %) in Chinese pregnant woman. The combined exposure relative risk (RR) and 95% CI of bad eating habits, animal contact, abnormal gestation, village (suburb) and senile gravida were 1.43 (1.22,1.68), 2.96 (1.95,4.49), 5.52 (3.65,8.37), 1.37 (1.20,1.57) and 1.31 (1.05,1.64) respectively.Conclusion: Toxoplasma infection rate among pregnant women in mainland China is higher, poor eating habits, animal contact, abnormal gestation, village (suburb) and senile gravida are toxoplasma infection risk factors among pregnant women. The changeable risk factors should be targeted to the pregnant women for early intervention.
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