Detection and analysis of technical indicators of SPF laboratory animal barrier environmental facilities

  • SUN Hongji ,
  • SHA Rui ,
  • LI Xiangzi
  • 1. Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Active Biological Macro-molecules Research, Wuhu 241002, China;
    2. YiJiShan Hospital;
    3. School of Medical Information, Wannan Medical College

Received date: 2022-06-27

  Online published: 2023-04-14


Objective: To detect and analyze the technical indicators of SPF laboratory animal barrier environment facilities in Wannan Medical college, so as to ensure the purpose of ensuring the quality of laboratory animals and animal experiments. Methods: Based on GB14925-2010 as the testing basis and the comprehensive judgment principle, professional testing instruments were used to collect and evaluate the relevant indicators of the barrier environment. Results: Various technical indicators of the barrier environment facility, such as temperature, relative humidity, noise, working illuminance, animal illuminance, number of air changes, airflow speed, static pressure difference, air cleanliness, settled bacteria, ammonia concentration, etc., all met national standards. Conclusion: Our SPF laboratory animal barrier environment facilities can strongly guarantee the quality of laboratory animals and animal experiments, provide high-quality experimental materials for scientific research, ensure the scientificity, accuracy and repeatability of experimental results.

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SUN Hongji , SHA Rui , LI Xiangzi . Detection and analysis of technical indicators of SPF laboratory animal barrier environmental facilities[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2023 , 39(4) : 56 -61 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.04.012


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