Objective: To systematically review the prevalence of atopic dermatitis (AD) in Chinese population aged 0-18 years. Methods: A computer search was conducted on CNKI, Wanfang, VIP, SinoMed, PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and The Cochrane Library. The literature on The prevalence and influencing factors of atopic dermatitis in children aged 0-18 years in China was collected until March 2022. Two researchers independently screened literatures, extracted data and evaluated their quality. Meta-analysis was performed on literatures that met the criteria using Stata 16.0 and Revman 5.4.1 software. Results: a total of 29 studies were included, including 182,656 subjects (66,502 males and 63,437 females). Meta-analysis showed that the prevalence of atopic dermatitis in Chinese children aged 0-18 years was 11 %[95 % CI(9 %,12 %)]. The combined values of the influencing factors were:Family history of allergy[OR=2.6,95 % CI(2.41,2.8)],age[OR=0.89,95 % CI(0.85,0.94)],gender[OR=1.63,95 % CI(1.12,2.3)],parents' cultural degree is high[OR=1.62,95 % CI(1.39,1.90)],maternal smoking during pregnancy[OR=1.72,95 % CI(1.49,2.00)],pregnancy before OR during pregnancy to decorate houses[OR=0.92,95 % CI(0.45,1.87)],children born in the second decoration[OR=1.86,95 % CI(1.41,2.47)],room carpet[OR=1.87,95 % CI(1.24,2.82)],where mold[OR=1.75,95 % CI(1.37,2.25)],family income[OR=0.87,95 % CI(0.45,1.67)],mode of production[OR=3.33,95 % CI(0.73,15.30)],breastfeeding[OR=1.57,95 % CI(0.49,4.99)],raising pets[OR=1.83,95 % CI(1.16,2.89)],plush toys[OR=1.51,95 % CI(1.24,1.85)],history of allergic asthma[OR=1.66,95 % CI(1.53,1.81)], has a history of allergic rhinitis[OR=2.52,95 % CI(2.29,2.76)]. Conclusions: Current evidence shows that the overall prevalence of AD in people aged 0-18 years is high in China, family history of allergies, parents' cultural degree is high, maternal smoking during pregnancy, pregnancy before or during pregnancy or decorate building, room carpet after birth, place of residence mildewy, pets, plush toys, history of allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma is a major risk factor in atopic dermatitis.
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