Effect of oral probiotics on intestinal flora in patients

  • LIANG Zhi ,
  • WU Riga ,
  • LI Pengda ,
  • DONG Zhenyu ,
  • DU Mingyue ,
  • WANG Jijun
  • 1. Baotou Medical College with Central Clinical School, Baotou 014040,China;
    2. Baotou city Central Hospital

Received date: 2022-08-31

  Online published: 2023-03-08


Objective: To systematically assess the outcomes of oral probiotics on gastrointestinal microbiomes in patients of Colorectal Neoplasm undergoing colorectal chemotherapy. Methods: By using computer, we searched CNKI, SinoMed, WanFangData, VIP, PubMed,Embase and The Cochrane Library. The researched RCTs were then appraised from inchoation to April 2021 ,besides, Meta analysis was implemented using RevMan5.3 software. Results: The number of 5 RCTs comprising 437 patients were contained. These results from meta analysis supports the idea that contrasted with control group, patients undergoing colorectal chemotherapy with probiotics reduced the levels of Escherichia coli(SMD=-2.04,P<0.00001)and En-terococcus faecalis(SMD=-2.20,P=0.002).Besides, there was statistical significance in the increase of levels of lactobacillus(SMD=4.30,P<0.00001)and Bifidobacterium(SMD=3.32,P<0.00001). Conclusion: The patients of Oral probiotics in undergoing chemotherapy for Colorectal Neoplasm can increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the enteric canal ,and lessen the number of opportunistic pathogens, however, the results needs further confirm by large samples and high quality research.

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LIANG Zhi , WU Riga , LI Pengda , DONG Zhenyu , DU Mingyue , WANG Jijun . Effect of oral probiotics on intestinal flora in patients[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2023 , 39(3) : 32 -36 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.03.007


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