Objective: To explore the prescription and application rules and academic thoughts of Auxiliary Verse Medication to Viscera. Method: To sort out the prescriptions of Dunhuang Auxiliary Verse Medication to Viscera, and analyze the composition principle and medication rules of the sorted prescriptions using the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance computing platform V3.0 software. Results: A total of 61 prescriptions were involved, including 69 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine. The property of involved Chinese herbal medicines mostly were warm, cold, and plain, and most flavors were sweet, pungent and bitter, mainly acting on Spleen Meridian, Lung meridian and Kidney meridian to tonify deficiency and clear heat. There were 14 kinds of Chinese medicine that appeared more than 9 times, the top 8 of which were Radix Paeoniae Alba (22), Prepared Liquorice Root (21), Rhizoma Zingiberis (20), Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) (14), Ramulus Cinnamomi (14), Liquorice Root (13), Ziziphus (13), and Scutellariae Radix (13). There were 33 core combinations with frequency≥6 and 33 drug association rules were obtained, and four new prescriptions were obtained by K-means clustering analysis. Conclusion: The prescription principles and medication rules of Auxiliary Verse Medication to Viscera was revealed through the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance computing platform V3.0 software in this study. Combination of frigotherapy and pyretotherapy, warming and tonifying the spleen and stomach, dispersing lung and exterior syndrome, strengthening healthy qi are the main prescription principles and medication rules of Auxiliary Verse Medication to Viscera ,which could provide a reference for modern clinical diagnosis and treatment on related diseases.
HUO Minfeng
LIU Xiping
YUE Juan
ZHU Zhongbo
LI Yongyu
. Composition principle of prescriptions in Auxiliary Verse Medication to Viscera (Fu Xing Jue): based on traditional Chinese medicine inheritance computing system[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2023
, 39(1)
: 55
DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2023.01.012
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