With the development of information technology and the improvement of health requirements for community residents, personalized and precise health education has become the development direction of community health education. A Health Education Prescription Platform for community outpatient service was established in this paper by building the health education prescription team for outpatient service, the health education prescription database for outpatient service and the basic template of health education prescription for outpatient service. Meanwhile, the overall application framework of the platform was planned and designed. This platform could improve the pertinence and efficiency of transmission of health information, raise the quality of health education on community medical staff, and promote the scientization and standardization of community-related performance assessment, which could provide references for the innovation of health education work for other regions.
CHEN Xianze
FENG Yahui
WANG Hanliang
. Research on the construction and application of community outpatient service health education prescription[J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2022
, 38(11)
: 86
DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2022.11.017
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