目的: 通过Meta分析方法探究乳腺癌易感基因1(BRCA1)在胃恶性肿瘤组织中的表达以及铂类化疗药物治疗后的预后。方法: 检索中国知网、PubMed、Embase、万方、维普等数据库中搜索关键词“乳腺癌易感基因1(BRCA1)”“胃恶性肿瘤”“表达”“铂类化疗药物”“预后”等关键词,筛选文献后记录纳入文献的一般情况及数据,采用RevMan.5.4软件进行Meta分析统计。结果: 最终纳入12篇参考文献,包含2 826例患者数据。将优势比(OR)和95%置信区间(95%CI)视为效应指标,经分析统计得出,BRCA1在不同浸润深度胃癌组织中、在有无淋巴结转移、在不同分化程度、在临床TNM分期中表达存在差异(P<0.05),且与肿瘤直径存在关联(P<0.05);术后行铂类药物化疗后3年无病生存率(disease free survival, DFS)以及总生存率(overall survival, OS),BRCA1阴性患者高于阳性患者。结论: BRCA1与胃癌组织临床病理特征存在相关性,此基因影响铂类化疗药物对胃癌治疗的疗效及预后。
Objective: To explore the expression of breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 (BRCA1) in gastric malignant tumor tissues and the prognosis after platinum-based chemotherapy by meta-analysis. Methods: Key words such as "breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 (BRCA1)" "gastric malignant tumor" "expression" "platinum chemotherapeutic drugs" "prognosis" were searched in CNKI, PubMed, Embase, Wanfang, VIP and other databases. After screening the literature, the general situation and data of the included literature were recorded. Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan.5.4 software. Results: Finally, 12 articles were included, with 2 826 patients. The odds ratio(OR)and 95% confidence interval(95%CI)were regarded as effect indicators, and according to the analysis and statistics, the results showed that the expression of BRCA1 in gastric cancer tissues with different depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis, different degree of differentiation and clinical TNM stage was statistically significant(P<0.05), and it was correlated with tumor diameter (P<0.05). The 3-year disease free survival (DFS) and overall surviva(OS)of BRCA1-negative patients after platinum-based chemotherapy were higher than those of BRCA1-positive patients. Conclusion: BRCA1 is associated with the clinicopathological features of gastric cancer, and this gene affects the efficacy and prognosis of platinum-based chemotherapy for gastric cancer.
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