目的: 运用Citespace 6.1 R6对在知网发表的关于中医药治疗产后缺乳文献进行可视化分析,整理归纳中医药治疗产后缺乳领域的目前现状、研究热点及前沿发展。方法: 检索2010年01月01日至2022年12月21日期间在知网(CNKI)收录的中医药治疗产后缺乳相关文献,运用Citespace 6.1 R6基于文献计量学方法对数据进行规范化处理,将文献中发表时间、作者、机构、关键词等进行可视化分析并制作图谱。结果: 共纳入文献464篇,时间跨度为12年,发文量呈波动性逐年增长。该领域发文作者共有359位,其中高频作者占17位,主要的研究团队有张淑英团队、刘曼芳团队等;纳入的研究机构共525个,其中广州中医药大学本部及附属医院、成都中医药大学本部及附属医院、山东中医药大学本部及附属医院为发文量前3的机构。关键词纳入327个,形成11个聚类标签,其中关键词前三的有:“缺乳”“穴位按摩”“泌乳量”;中心性>0.1的有4个。结论: 中医药治疗产后缺乳的研究热点为中医外治类临床疗效观察文献居多,基础类研究相对较少,有待加强基础类文献的挖掘研究;一些机构已在该领域有较深刻的认识和较好的研究成果,但团队及机构之间合作仅为内部间交流,跨地区合作较少,应加强跨区域交流、合作,进行更深层次的理论创新。
Objective: To visually analyze the published literature of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of postpartum hypogalactia in CNKI using Citespace 6.1R6, and to summarize the current status, research hotspots and frontier development of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of postpartum hypogalactia. Methods: The literature related to the treatment of postpartum hypogalactia by traditional Chinese medicine collected by CNKI from January 1,2010 to December 21,2022 was searched. Citespace 6.1R6 was used to standardize the data based on bibliometrics, and the publication time, authors, institutions and keywords in the literature were visually analyzed and mapped. Results: A total of 464 articles were included, with a time span of 12 years, and the number of publications increased year by year. There were 359 authors in this field, of which 17 were high-frequency authors. The main research teams were ZHANG Shuying's team and LIU Manfang's team. A total of 525 research institutions were included, among which the headquarters and affiliated hospitals of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, the headquarters and affiliated hospitals of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the headquarters and affiliated hospitals of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine were the top three institutions with the largest number of publications. A total of 327 keywords were included, forming 11 cluster labels. The top three keywords were 'lack of milk', 'acupoint massage', 'lactation volume'; there were 4 centrality >0.1. Conclusion: The research hotspots of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of postpartum hypogalactia are mostly the clinical efficacy observation literature of external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, and the basic research is relatively few. It is necessary to strengthen the mining research of basic literature; some institutions have a deep understanding and good research results in this field, but the cooperation between teams and institutions is only internal communication, and there is less cross-regional cooperation. Cross-regional communication and cooperation should be strengthened to carry out deeper theoretical innovation.
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