目的: 分析原发性头痛与原发性高血压发病风险之间的联系,为防治原发性高血压和原发性头痛提供依据。方法: 选取年龄为16~24岁(平均年龄18.6岁)的青年,通过体检数据,采用倾向性评分匹配的方法以均衡混杂因素,结合 logistic回归分析探讨匹配前后原发性头痛与原发性高血压发病风险之间的关系。结果: 匹配前高血压组和正常血压组在民族(P=0.007)、BMI(P=0.005)、高血压家族病史(P=0.017)、食用盐情况(P=0.004)、食肉种类(P=0.015)、是否饮食搭配(P=0.015)、睡眠质量(P=0.018)、每周体力活动量(P<0.001)、久坐时间(P=0.023)、头痛类型(P<0.001)等方面均有差异。进行 1∶1倾向性评分匹配后共获得246例匹配资料,并且两组间混杂因素达到均衡。logistic回归分析表明,匹配前偏头痛组发生高血压的风险是无头痛组的4.474倍,紧张型头痛组发生高血压的风险是无头痛组的1.942倍,其他头痛组与高血压无关。匹配后偏头痛组发生高血压的风险是无头痛组的 2.532倍,紧张型头痛组与其他头痛组与高血压无关。结论: 原发性头痛中的偏头痛对原发性高血压的发病风险存在影响作用,偏头痛是原发性高血压的独立危险因素。
Objective: To analyze the relationship between primary headache and the risk of primary hypertension, and to provide evidence for the prevention and treatment of primary hypertension and primary headache. Methods: The research subjects were selected from young people, ranging in age from 16 to 24 years old, with an average age of 18.6 years old. Through the physical examination data, the propensity score matching method was used to balance the confounding factors, and the logistic regression analysis was used to explore the relationship between primary headache and the risk of primary hypertension before and after matching. Results: There were differences between the hypertension group and the normal blood pressure group in nationality (P=0.007), BMI (P=0.005), family history of hypertension (P=0.017), salt consumption (P=0.004), meat type (P=0.015), diet matching (P=0.015), sleep quality (P=0.018), weekly physical activity (P<0.001), sedentary time (P=0.023), headache type (P<0.001), etc. A total of 246 matching data were obtained after matching with 1∶1 tendency score, and the confounding factors between the two groups reached a balance. Logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of hypertension in the migraine group before matching was 4.474 times higher than that in the non-headache group, and the risk of hypertension in the tension-type headache group was 1.942 times higher than that in the non-headache group. After matching, the risk of hypertension in the migraine group was 2.532 times higher than that in the non-headache group. The tension-type headache group and other headache groups were not related to hypertension. Conclusion: Migraine in primary headache have an impact on the risk of primary hypertension, and it is independent risk factors for primary hypertension.
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