目的: 了解内蒙古自治区生禽畜肉中沙门氏菌、单核细胞增生李斯特菌和弯曲菌污染状况,为防治食源性疾病提供基础资料,为相关监督部门提供指导意见。方法: 2016~2020年,从内蒙古自治区12个盟市采集生禽肉和牲畜肉共3 171份样品。依据《食品安全国家标准》(GB 4789-2016、GB 4789-2014)和食源性疾病监测工作手册要求进行致病菌的监测。结果: 2016~2020年,在3 171份样品中共检出阳性致病菌346株,总检出率为10.91%(346/3171),其中沙门氏菌、单核细胞增生李斯特菌和弯曲菌的总检出率依次为8.56%(85/993)、5.62%(50/889)和16.37%(211/1289);散装样品致病菌污染率高于预包装;冷冻肉中单核细胞增生李斯特菌的检出率最高,为17.53%(27/154);沙门氏菌在网店和便利店/零售店的检出率较高,分别为22.22%(4/18)和14.57%(22/151);弯曲菌在养殖环节的检出率最高,为40.55%(103/254),屠宰环节中样品均未检出 。结论: 2016~2020年内蒙古自治区生禽畜肉中弯曲菌污染最高,单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌污染率较低。为减少食源性疾病的发生率,应加强我区生禽畜肉在不同环节的监督管理,保障国民的食品安全与健康。
Objective: To investigate the contamination situation of the Salmonella Spp, Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter Spp in raw poultry and livestock meat in Inner Mongolia, so as to provide basic information for the prevention and control food-borne diseases, and guidance for relevant supervisory departments. Methods: A total of 3171 samples of raw poultry and livestock meat were collected from 12 cities from 2016 to 2020. According to the National Standard for Food Safety (GB 4789-2016, GB 4789-2014) and Manual for Food-borne Disease Surveillance, the pathogenic bacteria were monitored. Results: From 2016 to 2020, a total of 346 positive strains of pathogenic bacteria were detected in 3171 samples, with a total detection rate of 10.91% (346/3171).The total detection rates of Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter were 8.56% (85/993), 5.62% (50/889) and 16.37% (21/1289), respectively.The pathogen contamination rate of bulk samples is higher than that of pre-packed samples.The detection rate of Listeria monocytogenes in frozen meat was the highest, 17.53% (27/154).The detection rates of Salmonella were higher in online stores and convenience stores/retail stores (22.22% (4/18) and 14.57% (22/151), respectively.The highest detection rate of Campylobacter was 40.55% (103/254) in the breeding link, and no samples were detected in the slaughtering process.Conclusion:From 2016 to 2020 Campylobacter Spp contamination was the highest in raw poultry and livestock meat in Inner Mongolia, and Listeria monocytogenes was low. In order to reduce the incidence of foodborne diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision and management of raw poultry and livestock meat in different segments, so as to ensure the food safety and health of the people.
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