目的: 探讨儿童哮喘的易发年龄以及不同年龄段儿童哮喘的发病高峰期,为预防和减少儿童哮喘发病提供理论依据。方法: 基于Excel建立儿童哮喘就诊人数数据库,采用集中度与应用圆形分布法对呼和浩特市2010-2019年儿童哮喘就诊人数进行统计分析。结果: 学龄前期为儿童哮喘的易发年龄,尤以4岁最多;儿童哮喘多发于8、9月;呼和浩特市2010-2019年儿童哮喘发病高峰日为8月7日,发病高峰期为4月25日-11月19日。其中,婴幼儿期、学龄前期、学龄期的发病高峰日分别是7月6日、7月31日、8月25日,学龄期儿童季节性更强。结论: 儿童哮喘具有季节性规律,在预防工作中应充分考虑其发病的季节特点,开展针对性的防控措施。
Objective: To analyze ages at risk of pediatric asthma and peak periods of it in different ages, in order to provide theoretical basis for preventing and reducing the incidence of pediatric asthma. Methods: Establishing a database of the number of asthmatic children with Excel, and analyzing the number of asthmatic children from 2010 to 2019 in Hohhot with concentration and circular distribution methods. Results: Pediatric asthma often happens in pre-school age, especially at 4-year-old. Pediatric asthma happens in August and September. From 2010 to 2019, the peak of asthma incidence in children in Hohhot was on August 7, and the peak of asthma incidence was from April 25 to November 19. Peak days of infancy, pre-school age and school age are July 6 th, July 31 th and August 25 th. For school-aged children, seasonality is more outstanding. Conclusion: The seasonal characteristics of childhood asthma in Hohhot from 2010 to 2019 should be fully considered in the prevention of childhood asthma, and targeted prevention and control measures should be carried out.
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