目的: 建立呼吸酒精经时变化方法学,通过检测20~22岁青年酒精摄入后呼吸酒精经时变化反映血酒浓度,比较酒精代谢动力学性别差异。方法: 采用警用呼吸酒精检测仪检测呼气末酒精浓度的经时变化,使用代谢动力学软件DAS 3.0对代谢动力学数据进行分析,比较20~22岁青年饮酒后代谢的性别差异。结果: 该方法检测变异系数小于5 %。男女青年饮42°100 mL白酒后,女性药时曲线下面积AUC(0-t)大于男性,体内驻留时间MRT(0-t)明显长于男性,清除率CLz小于男性。结论: 该方法简便、无创、可行,重现性好。20~22岁青年饮用同等量的白酒,男性代谢快于女性。体内酒精完全清除女性平均需要3.5 h左右,而男性仅仅需要2.0 h左右。建立了该年龄段的青年饮酒代谢动力学数据。
Objective: To detect the change of breath alcohol level over time in 20 to 22 years old youth by establishing a methodology, and to to reflect blood alcohol concentration, and to compare the sex differences in alcohol metabolism. Methods: The change of end-tidal alcohol concentration over time was detected with police breathalyzer, and the software DAS 3.0 was used to analyze the metabolic kinetics, and the sex differences of alcohol metabolism after drinking among youths aged 20 to 22 years. Results: The coefficient of variation detected by this method was less than 5 %. After drinking 100ml Chinese spirit (52 % alcohol by volume), the area under the curve AUC(0-t) in females was larger than that in males, the MRT(0-t) in vivo of females was significantly longer than that of males, and the clearance rate CLz in females was smaller than that in males. Conclusion: The method is simple, non-invasive, feasible and reproducible. Young males aged 20 to 22 metabolize faster than females of the same age after intaking same amount of liquor. On average, it takes about 3.5 hours for females aged 20 to 22 completely removing alcohol from the body, while it only takes about 2 hours for males in the same age group. Metabolic kinetics of alcohol in this age group was established in this study.
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