

  • 于江锐 ,
  • 闫慧明
  • 1.内蒙古科技大学包头医学院研究生学院,内蒙古包头 014040;

收稿日期: 2022-03-22

  网络出版日期: 2023-01-09



Serum MMP-3, TIMP1/2, SPP1 and PLG expression levels and their correlation in patients with RS3PE syndrome

  • YU Jiangrui ,
  • YAN Huiming
  • 1. Graduate School of Baotou Medical College, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014040,China;
    2. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology

Received date: 2022-03-22

  Online published: 2023-01-09


目的: 探讨缓解性血清阴性对称性滑膜炎伴凹陷性水肿(Remissive seronegative symmetric synovitis with depressed edema,RS3PE)患者血清中基质金属蛋白酶3(matrix metallopro-teinase-3,MMP-3)、基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂1(tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1,TIMP1)、基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂2(tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2,TIMP2)、血清骨桥素1(serum bone bridging protein 1,SPP1)及纤溶酶原(plasminogen,PLG)与疾病活动程度的相关性。方法: 收集2020年5月~2021年7月包头医学院第二附属医院风湿免疫科诊治的RS3PE综合征患者21例(RS3PE组),正常健康体检者30例为对照组(CON组),两组均采用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)和酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法检测血清中MMP-3、TIMP1、TIMP2、SPP1及PLG基因和蛋白的表达水平。并对两组受试者类风湿因子(rheumatoid factor,RF)、血沉(erythrocyte sedimentation rate,ESR)和C-反应蛋白(C-reactive protein,CRP)、X线表现、磁共振成像(MRI)表现进行总结归纳。结果: 与CON组相比,RS3PE组ESR、CRP、MMP-3、TIMP1、TIMP2、SPP1表达水平明显升高(P<0.01),PLG表达水平无明显变化(P>0.05);MMP-3、TIMP1、TIMP2、SPP1表达水平与ESR、CRP均呈明显正相关。结论: 在RS3PE患者血清中MMP-3、TIMP1、TIMP2、SPP1表达水平明显增加,其表达水平与ESR和CRP水平呈明显正相关,提示MMP-3、TIMP1、TIMP2、SPP1可能参与了RS3PE的发生发展,与疾病活动程度密切相关。


于江锐 , 闫慧明 . RS3PE综合征患者血清MMP-3、TIMP1/2、SPP1和PLG表达水平及其相关性研究*[J]. 包头医学院学报, 2022 , 38(10) : 33 -38 . DOI: 10.16833/j.cnki.jbmc.2022.10.007


Objective: To investigate the correlation of serum matrix metallopro-teinase-3 (MMP-3), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP1), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP2), serum bone bridging protein 1 (SPP1) and plasminogen (PLG) with disease activity in patients with remissive seronegative symmetric synovitis with depression edema (RS3PE). Methods: Twenty-one patients (RS3PE group) with RS3PE syndrome diagnosed and treated in the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College from May 2020 to July 2021 were collected, and 30 healthy people were selected as the control group (CON group). The expression levels of MMP-3, TIMP1, TIMP2, SPP1 and PLG genes and proteins in serum were detected by real-time quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in both groups. The rheumatoid factor (RF), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP), X-ray manifestations and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) manifestations of the two groups were summarized. Results: Compared with the CON group, the expression levels of ESR, CRP, MMP-3, TIMP1, TIMP2, and SPP1 were significantly higher in the RS3PE group (P<0.01), and there was no significant change in PLG expression levels (P>0.05); the expression levels of MMP-3, TIMP1, TIMP2, and SPP1 were significantly and positively correlated with ESR and CRP. Conclusion: The expression levels of MMP-3, TIMP1, TIMP2 and SPP1 in serum of patients with RS3PE are significantly increased, and their expression levels are significantly positively correlated with ESR and CRP levels, suggesting that MMP-3, TIMP1, TIMP2 and SPP1 may be involved in the occurrence and development of RS3PE, and are closely related to the degree of disease activity.


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