目的: 了解内蒙古地区大学生的传染病防治素养现状及主要影响因素,探究防治素养对疫情相关态度行为的影响。方法: 借助问卷星平台,采用便利抽样法进行网络调查,调查对象为经筛选后居住地为内蒙古的在校大学生。结果: 共回收有效问卷4 560份,调查对象的传染病防治素养水平为16.7 %。多因素二元logistic回归结果显示,本科及以上学历、医学类专业、居住在城市和性格偏外向是具备传染病防治素养的保护因素,OR(95 % CI)分别为2.027(1.625~2.529)、1.398(1.158~1.688)、1.297(1.040~1.617)、1.322(1.086~1.608);男性、蒙族为具备防治素养的危险因素,OR(95 % CI)分别为0.564(0.460~0.691)、0.790(0.664~0.941)。有序分类logistic回归结果显示,具备防治素养为保护因素,不具备防治素养的学生自觉感染新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)的几率更大(β=-0.219,P<0.05)。结论: 内蒙古地区大学生传染病防治素养水平较低,高校应根据学生的民族、性别、居住地、专业和性格类型的不同,有针对性地进行健康宣教,提高学生传染病防治素养水平,减轻重大疫情发生时心理应激反应。
Objective: To understand the current situation and main influencing factors of infectious disease prevention and control literacy of college students in Inner Mongolia, and to explore the influence of prevention and control literacy on epidemic related attitude and behavior. Methods: With the help of questionnaire star platform, convenient sampling method was used to conduct network survey. The subjects of the survey were college students who lived in Inner Mongolia after screening. Results: A total of 4 560 valid questionnaires were collected, and the literacy level of infectious disease prevention and control was 16.7 %. Multivariate binary logistic regression results showed that bachelor degree or above, medical major, living in city and extroverted personality were protective factors of infectious disease prevention literacy. The 95 % CI of OR were 2.027 (1.625-2.529), 1.398 (1.158-1.688), 1.297 (1.040-1.617) and 1.322 (1.086-1.608), respectively; male and Mongolian were risk factors of infectious disease prevention literacy, 95 % CI of OR were 0.564 (0.460-0.691) and 0.790 (0.664-0.941), respectively. The results of ordered classification logistic regression showed that the students with prevention and control literacy were the protective factors, and the students without prevention and control literacy had a higher probability of consciously contracting novel coronavirus and greater psychological pressure (β=-0.219, P<0.05). Conclusion: The level of infectious disease prevention and control literacy of college students in Inner Mongolia is low. Colleges and universities should carry out targeted health education according to the differences of students' nationality, gender, residence, major and personality types, so as to improve the level of students' infectious disease prevention and control literacy and reduce the psychological stress response in case of major epidemic.
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